Bathroom Storage Cabinet
- 2 – 1 x 6 x 8 pine or whitewood boards
- 4 – 1 x 4 x 8 pine or whitewood boards
- 1/4″ hardwood plywood cut to 19″ x 63″
- Full Length beveled mirror
- 3M Stainable Wood Filler
- ScotchBlue Painter’s Tape
- 3M Advanced Abrasives 120 grit sanding paper
- 3m safety glasses
- 4 decorative hinges
- 1 pull or knob
- magnet closures
- wood stain of your color choice
Assemble the door parts with glue and 1-1/4” pocket hole screws. Then attach the 1/4” plywood to the back using a thin bead of wood glue and staples.
Next, use a Kreg Jig to make 3/4″ pocket holes in each end of my 16″ pieces.
I attached my 16″ pieces to my 67″ pieces using 1 1/4″ pocket hole screws.
Next, I added some wood glue to the frame and attached it down on my 1/4″ hardwood plywood.
Before attaching all of my pieces I like to use a sanding pad to quickly remove the splinters on the edges. This paper works great because I can keep it in my pocket and pull it out as I need it quickly… Perfect before attaching your boards!
Assemble the case frame. Use glue and 1-1/4” pocket hole screws to attach the horizontal 1 x 6 pieces to the vertical 1 x 6 pieces.
Use a Kreg Right Angle Clamp to hold everything together while I attached it using 1.25″ pocket hole screws.
Next, I added my top and bottom braces. These were the same length as my shelf pieces, so I cut seven 1×4 pieces at 23 1/8″ each.
These will be used to attach the cabinet to the wall. You can see here where I added pocket holes to these boards before I attached them. This is a shot of the back. These brace pieces will sit flush with the back of the cabinet.
Add the shelves. You can choose whatever height you want or use the measurements that I used. These are installed so that the pocket holes are on the bottom of each shelf and with the back side of the shelf lined up with the back of the case.
At this point you can sand and stain using your finish of choice. Drill through the top and bottom braces at the correct distance to locate two of your wall studs. Secure the case to the wall with two 3” wood screws in each brace.
Using mirror glue attach the mirror to the door. After giving the glue enough time to cure you can position the door where you want it in the case with a pair of clamps at the top. Then add your hinges, door pull, and magnetic latch.
The original plan can be found at