Bathroom Vanity
- 2 -sheets of 3/4″ Cabinet grade plywood cut as shown below.
- 5 -8′ 1×2 poplar for face frame
- 1- sheet of 1/2″ plywood for drawers
- 1- sheet of 1/4″ plywood or backer board (smooth)
- door and drawer front material (3/4″ solid wood with applied moulding is the easiest door to make)
- 1 3/4″ wood screws
- 1 1/4″ Kreg pocket hole screws
- wood glue
Step 1:
Secure dividers and sides to bottom with 1 3/4″ wood screws.
Step 2:
Attach long cleats to top. Drive two screws into each divider.
Step 3:
Attach back cleats using pocket hole screws.
Step 4:
Secure bottom. This second bottom is going to make this big vanity heavy but will add stability and help distribute the weight of the entire piece onto the bun feet.
Step 5:
Square up by checking the diagonal measurement from top left to bottom right and visa versa. The measurement should be exactly the same. Doesn’t matter what the number is – just make sure it’s the same. Secure the back with 3/4″ – 1 1/4″ staples or screws.
Step 6:
Build side face frames our of 1×2 poplar (which is really 3/4″ x 1 1/2″) with 1 1/4″ pocket hole screws. Make sure to adjust size to fit the side of your vanity specifically. It should be flush with the front and back (covering the exposed side of back you just attached).
Step 7:
Attach side face frames with glue and small brad nails.
Step 8:
Build front face frame, making sure the placement of the styles (vertical pieces) are in the correct place for YOUR DIY vanity. Things don’t always turn out exactly like you planned them, even with the best planning so double check your specific dimensions before building your face frame.
Step 9:
Add countertop and feet. Build your own countertop or buy granite or tile or do concrete, the possibilities are endless.
Step 10: Build Drawers
There are many ways to build a drawer box depending on the tools you have and your level of experience. Build your drawers paying attention to the outside dimensions. This will leave 1/2″ clearance for 22″ drawer glides.
Step 11:
Build doors and drawer fronts for your double vanity. 3/4″ solid wood with applied moulding is the easiest door to make

Dimensions for center drawer fronts
It should be all ready to paint up, add hardware and use!
The original plan can be found at