The Yew Family

english-yew-sEuropean Yew

Scientific Name: Taxus baccata
Location: Europe and Southwest Asia
Dried Weight: 42lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 1,520lbf
Crushing Strength: 8,000lbf /in2

European Yew has a heartwood which is an orangish brown color, sometimes with a darker brown or purplish hue. It will darken with age. The sapwood is a pale yellow or tan color. It has a tight grain and fine texture. The wood gives off a natural lustre. The resin canals are absent. It is rated as durable to very durable in regards to decay. It is easy to work with and glues, finishes, and turns well.


pacific-yewPacific Yew

Scientific Name: Taxus brevifolia
Location: Pacific Northwest of North America
Dried Weight: 44lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 1,600lbf
Crushing Strength: 8,100lbf /in2

Pacific Yew has a heartwood which is an orangish brown color, sometimes with a darker brown or purplish hue. It will darken with age. The sapwood is a pale yellow or tan color. It has a tight grain and fine texture. The wood gives off a natural lustre. The resin canals are absent. It is rated as very durable in regards to decay. It is easy to work with and glues, finishes, and turns well.