Cedar Bar

One of the most useful items for a deck or patio is a large flat area where you can prepare and serve food, pour hot or cold drinks, and have adequate storage for these tasks close at hand. This cedar bar is designed to provide you with the convenience of both storage and a work surface at a convenient height. The top of the bar can be separated from the shelving unit for storage if necessary, by removing two screws. We designed the storage area to accommodate a medium-sized cooler, but the cleats for the shelving can easily be altered to adapt to your particular needs.


  • (48 ft.) 1 x 6 Cedar
  • (42 ft.) 5/4” Cedar
  • (32 ft.) 2 x 4 Cedar
  • 3” deck screws
  • 1 ½” deck screws
  • Finishing/cup washers
  • 5/16” Hardwood buttons


  • (4) 5/4” x 3 ½” x 41” – A – frame legs – front/back
  • (4) 5/4” x 3 ¼” x 41” – B – frame legs – sides
  • (4) 2 x 4 x 48” – C – frame front & back
  • (4) 2 x 4 x 15” – D – frame sides
  • (2) 2 x 4 x 31” – E – top frame
  • (2) 2 x 4 x 53 ½” – F – top frame
  • (2) 1 x 4 ½” x 39” – G – front cladding – end pieces
  • (10) 1 x 6 x 39” – H – front & side cladding
  • (8) 1 x 6 x 18 ¼” – I – floor boards
  • (1) 2 x 4 x 15” – J – brace
  • (1) 5/4” x 1 ¾” x 18 ¼” – K – cleat – floor
  • (2) 5/4” x 6” x 33” – L – vertical shelf supports
  • (3) 5/4” x 1 ¾” x 16 ½” – M – mid shelf cleats
  • (3) 5/4” x 1 ¾” x 18” – N – outer shelf cleats
  • (6) 1 x 6 x 22” – O – shelves
  • (3) 1 x 6 x 24 ¾” – P – shelves
  • (5) 1 x 6 x 50 ½” – Q – top boards


Cut all the pieces referring to the diagrams. At all screw locations, use a #8 screw setter bit to countersink the deck screws, and use 1 1⁄2″ galvanized nails to avoid weather staining of the wood surface. Use exterior wood glue when nailing or screwing components together.

Build the two end frames. Begin with the corners, using 3″ deck screws and glue. Join the sets of corners/legs with the upper and lower frame pieces to complete the end frames. Use a carpenter’s square to ensure square corners.

Complete the bar frame by fastening the front and back frame pieces to the end frames as shown, using 3″ deck screws and glue. Clamps may be useful here, as well as a carpenter’s square to again check for square corners. Set the bar frame aside to allow the glue to set.

Build the top outer frame, mitre the corners, and fasten with 3″ deck screws and glue. Be sure the frame is square.

Fasten the cedar cladding to the front and two end sections of the bar frame using 1 1⁄2″ nails and glue. Plane or cut the rounded edge off the two outer front boards. This will allow for some spacing between the eight front boards, and tight flush corners. Space the two boards for the side sections as shown.

Fasten the floor boards to the frame using nails and glue. Install the 2″ x 4″ piece in the upper frame, and the cleat on the floor as shown, then fasten the two vertical shelf support boards to them.

Install the six additional shelf support cleats using 1 1⁄2″ deck screws and glue.

Set the shelf pieces on the cleats. You may wish to alter or add shelves to serve your particular needs or choice of storage.

Place the five boards into the top frame, and secure with 3″ deck screws and glue. Trim or plane the two outer boards on one edge to provide a tight edge with the top frame.

Sand all surfaces and apply a sealer or wood stain as directed on the container.

When the sealer is dry, set the bar top on the lower section, and secure with two 3″ screws in cup washers as shown.


The original plan can be found at http://www.homeathome.homehardware.ca
