The Hornbeam Family

american-hornbeamAmerican Hornbeam

Scientific Name: Carpinus caroliniana
Location: Eastern United States
Dried Weight: 49lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 1,860lbf
Crushing Strength: 7,760lbf /in2

American Hornbeam has a heartwood that is pale yellowish brown and a sapwood that is very thick and is nearly white. The grain is straight and it has a fine even texture. The end grain is diffuse-porous. Hornbeam is rated as non-durable to perishable in regards to decay. It is somewhat difficult to work with because of its high density and toughness. It glues, stains, and finishes well. It also has excellent turning properties.


european-hornbeamEuropean Hornbeam

Scientific Name: Carpinus betulus
Location: Europe and western Asia
Dried Weight: 46lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 1,630lbf
Crushing Strength: 7,315lbf /in2

European Hornbeam has a heartwood that is pale yellowish brown and a sapwood that is very thick and is nearly white. The grain is straight and it has a fine even texture. The end grain is diffuse-porous. Hornbeam is rated as non-durable to perishable in regards to decay. It is somewhat difficult to work with because of its high density and toughness. It glues, stains, and finishes well. It also has excellent turning properties.