The Myrtle Family
Scientific Name: | Umbellularia californica |
Location: | coastal regions of southwest Oregon & central California |
Dried Weight: | 40lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 1,270lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 5,640lbf /in2 |
Myrtle has a heartwood that is light brown to gray or olive in color. The sapwood is a pale brown color. The grain is straight, interlocked, or wavy and it has a fine uniform texture. The end grain is diffuse-porous. The heartwood is rated as very durable in regards to decay, but the sapwood is rated as non-durable in regards to decay. Myrtle is easy to work with and stains, glues, and finishes well. Care must be taken when cutting as it can burn easy.
Tasmanian Myrtle
Scientific Name: | Nothofagus cunninghamii |
Location: | southeast Australia & New Zealand |
Dried Weight: | 39lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 1,310lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 7,160lbf /in2 |
Tasmanian Myrtle has a heartwood that is pink or light reddish brown. The grain is usually straight, but can be interlocked, wavy, or curly sometimes and it has a very fine uniform texture. The wood gives off a high natural lustre. The end grain is diffuse-porous. Myrtle is rated as non-durable to perishable in regards to decay. It is good to work with and responds very well to steam bending. The wood glues, stains, finishes, and turns superbly.