The Palm Family
Scientific Name: | Borassus flabellifer |
Location: | tropical Asia & Africa |
Dried Weight: | 60lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 2,230lbf |
Crushing Strength: | not available |
Black Palm has black fibres embedded in lighter tan or light brown wood. The fibres are more densely packed toward the outside of the tree trunk, while they are more sparse towards the center. The grain is straight (it does not contain any growth rings, knots, or defects) and it has a medium to fine texture. With palm being a monocot, the end grain is non typical when compared to other standard hardwoods. It does has a dotted pattern on it end grain. The wood is rated as durable in regards to decay. It is difficult to work with because of the hard fibre contrast with the soft body of wood. Take care during finishing and a sanding sealer is recommended.
Scientific Name: | Cocos nucifera |
Location: | tropics Worldwide |
Dried Weight: | 53lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 2,060lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 11,310lbf /in2 |
Red Palm has reddish fibres embedded in a tan or light brown wood. The fibres are more densely packed toward the outside of the tree trunk, while they are more sparse towards the center. The grain is straight (it does not contain any growth rings, knots, or defects) and it has a medium to fine texture. With palm being a monocot, the end grain is non typical when compared to other standard hardwoods. It does has a dotted pattern on it end grain. The wood is rated as durable in regards to decay. It is difficult to work with because of the hard fibre contrast with the soft body of wood. Take care during finishing and a sanding sealer is recommended.