Scientific Name: | Erythroxylum spp. and Simira spp. |
Location: | southern Mexico to southern Brazil & Paraguay |
Dried Weight: | 40lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 1,200lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 6,700lbf /in2 |
Redheart can be a very bright, watermelon red when freshly cut. The color can vary in intensity and hue from board to board. It can be a light orange/pink to a darker brownish red. The color will quickly fade to a reddish brown in sunlight. The grain is straight and it has a fine even texture. The end grain is diffuse-porous. The wood is rated as moderately durable in regards to decay. It is good to work with and planes, machines, sands, turns, glues, and finishes well.