Scientific Name: | Brosimum guianense |
Location: | coastal regions of northeast South America |
Dried Weight: | 73lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 3,800lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 11,800lbf /in2 |
Snakewood is known for its snake like pattern. It is typically reddish brown with contrasting darker or black patches. The wood darkens and homogenized with age and exposure to light. The grain is straight and it has a fine even texture. The wood gives off a high natural lustre. The end grain is diffuse-porous. Snakewood is rated as very durable in regards to decay. It is extremely dense and has a pronounced blunting effect on cutters. The wood turns and finishes well. It also will polish to a very high natural polish.