The Gum Family
Scientific Name: | Eucalyptus globulus |
Location: | Tasmania and southern Australia |
Dried Weight: | 51lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 2,370lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 11,160lbf /in2 |
Blue Gum has a heartwood that is light yellowish brown in color and a sapwood that is a pale gray/white color. The grain is interlocked and it has a uniform medium to coarse texture. The wood gives off a low natural lustre. The end grain is diffuse-porous. Blue Gum is rated as moderately durable in regards to decay. It is fair to work with and glues and finishes well.
Lemon Scented Gum
Scientific Name: | Corymbia citriodora |
Location: | Eastern Australia |
Dried Weight: | 59lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 1,900lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 9,600lbf /in2 |
No other information at the current time.
Scientific Name: | Eucalyptus camaldulensis |
Location: | Australia |
Dried Weight: | 54lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 2,160lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 8,375lbf /in2 |
No other information at the current time.
Scientific Name: | Eucalyptus grandis |
Location: | eastern Australia |
Dried Weight: | 40lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 1,260lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 8,025lbf /in2 |
Rose Gum has a heartwood that is pink to reddish brown in color. The grain is usually straight or shallowly interlocked and it has a uniform, medium to coarse texture. The end grain is diffuse-porous. Rose Gum is rated as durable to very durable in regards to decay. It is easy to work with and glues, stains, and finishes well.
Scientific Name: | Corymbia maculata |
Location: | Australia |
Dried Weight: | 59lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 2,330lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 10,410lbf /in2 |
No other information at the current time.
Scientific Name: | Liquidambar styraciflua |
Location: | Southeastern United States |
Dried Weight: | 34lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 850lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 6,320lbf /in2 |
Sweet Gum has a wide sapwood that is whitish to light pink in color and it has a narrow heartwood that is gray to reddish brown. The grain is interlocked and it has a very fine uniform texture. The wood gives off a good natural lustre. The end grain is diffuse-porous. Sweet Gum is rated as moderately to non-durable in regards to decay. It is easy to work with and turns, glues, and finishes well. It also responds well to steam bending.
Scientific Name: | Eucalyptus leucoxylon |
Location: | Southern Australia |
Dried Weight: | 63lbs/ft3 |
Janka Hardness: | 2,470lbf |
Crushing Strength: | 10,410lbf /in2 |
No other information at the current time.