The Meranti Family


Dark Red Meranti

Scientific Name: Shorea spp.
Location: southeast Asia
Dried Weight: 42lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 800lbf
Crushing Strength: 7,070lbf /in2

Dark red Meranti is typically a dark reddish brown color, or purplish brown color. The grain is sometimes interlock and it has a coarse texture. The end grain is diffuse-porous. Meranti is rated as moderately durable to non-durable in regards to decay. The wood is easy to work with and glues, stains, and finishes well. Though it does have a slight blunting effect and it has poor steam bending properties.



Light Red Meranti

Scientific Name: Shorea spp.
Location: Southeast Asia
Dried Weight: 31lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 490lbf
Crushing Strength: 6,380lbf /in2

Light red Meranti has a color which ranges from a pale straw to darker reddish brown color. The grain is sometimes interlock and it has a coarse texture. The end grain is diffuse-porous. Meranti is rated as moderately durable to non-durable in regards to decay. The wood is easy to work with and glues, stains, and finishes well. Though it does have a slight blunting effect and it has poor steam bending properties.


white-merantiWhite Meranti

Scientific Name: Shorea spp.
Location: Southeast Asia
Dried Weight: 38lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 1,040lbf
Crushing Strength: 6,420lbf /in2

White Meranti has a heartwood with a pale-yellowish orange color when freshly cut, which will age to a golden yellow brown. The grain is sometime interlocked and it has a coarse texture. White Meranti is rated as non-durable in regards to decay. It is easy to work with even though it has a high blunting effect. The wood stains, glues, and finishes well.


yellow-merantiYellow Meranti

Scientific Name: Shorea spp.
Location: Southeast Asia
Dried Weight: 34lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 710lbf
Crushing Strength: 7,350lbf /in2

Yellow Meranti has a yellow to yellow brown color which will darken with age. The grain is sometimes interlocked and it has a coarse texture. It is rated as non-durable in regards to decay. The wood is easy to work with even though it has a slight blunting effect on cutters. It glues, stains, and finishes well.