The Cypress Family


Scientific Name: Taxodium distichum
Location: southeastern USA
Dried Weight: 32lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 510lbf
Crushing Strength: 6,360lbf /in2

Cypress has a light yellowish brown color and a sapwood that is nearly white in color. The grain is straight and it has a medium texture. The resin canals are absent. The wood is rated as durable to very durable in regards to decay. It is easy to work with and has good gluing, nailing, finishing, and paint holding properties.


australian-cypressAustralian Cypress

Scientific Name: Callitris glaucophylla
Location: Australia
Dried Weight: 41lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 1,360lbf
Crushing Strength: 7,460lbf /in2

Australian Cypree varies in color between boards ranging from light tan to a darker brown color. The sapwood is a pale yellow or pinkish color. The grain is straight and it has a medium uniform texture. The wood has a moderate natural lustre and a slight greasy feel. The resin canals are absent. It is rated as ver durable in regards to decay. It is easy to work with and glues and finishes well.


gowencypressGowen Cypress

Scientific Name: Cupressus goveniana
Location: Coastal California
Dried Weight: 30lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 570lbf
Crushing Strength: 3,680lbf /in2

Bowen Cypress has a heartwood that is a pale yellowish or reddish brown color. The grain is usually straight and has a fine uniform textured the wood gives off a good natural lustre. The resin canals are absent. It is rated as moderately durable in regards to decay. It is easy to work with and glues, stains, and finishes well. The wood is difficult to steam bend.


leyland-cypressLeyland Cypress

Scientific Name: Cupressus x leylandii
Location: Wales
Dried Weight: 31lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 430lbf
Crushing Strength: 5,510lbf /in2

Leyland Cypress has a heartwood that is a pale yellowish or reddish brown color. The grain is usually straight and it has a fine uniform texture. The wood gives off a good natural lustre. The resin canals are absent. It is rated as moderately durable in regards of decay. It is easy to work with and glues, stains, and finishes well. The wood is difficult to steam bend.


mediterranean-cypressMediterranean Cypress

Scientific Name: Cupressus sempervirens
Location: Eastern Mediterranean region
Dried Weight: 33lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 560lbf
Crushing Strength: not available

Mediterranen Cypress has a heartwood that is a pale yellowish or reddish brown color. The grain is usually straight and it has a fine uniform texture. The wood gives off a good natural lustre. The resin canals are absent. It is rated as moderately durable in regards of decay. It is easy to work with and glues, stains, and finishes well. The wood is difficult to steam bend.


mexican-cypressMexican Cypress

Scientific Name: Cupressus lusitanica
Location: Mexico and Central America
Dried Weight: 29lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 500lbf
Crushing Strength: 5,650lbf /in2

Mexican Cypress has a heartwood that is a pale yellowish or reddish brown color. The grain is usually straight and it has a fine uniform texture. The wood gives off a good natural lustre. The resin canals are absent. It is rated as non-durable to durable in regards of decay. It is easy to work with and glues, stains, and finishes well. The wood is difficult to steam bend.


monterey-cypress-wtMonterey Cypress

Scientific Name: Cupressus macrocarpa
Location: Central coast of California
Dried Weight: 32lbs/ft3
Janka Hardness: 620lbf
Crushing Strength: 5,700lbf /in2

Monterey Cypress has a heartwood that is a pale yellowish or reddish brown color. The grain is usually straight and it has a fine uniform texture. The wood gives off a good natural lustre. The resin canals are absent. It is rated as moderately durable in regards of decay. It is easy to work with and glues, stains, and finishes well. The wood is difficult to steam bend.